R.a.a.S  vs  S.a.a.S.

A hotel room can be represented as a “base camp” for tasting the stories of a Territory.

In our previous article we presented the various data server architectures. In this presentation as a focus there is a: S.a.a.S. A type of cloud service , on the rise since the introduction of more and more powerful Servers. We anticipate that , the basic feature of this type of business is strongly related to the sharing and free movement of DATA .https://blog.ailovetourism.com/en/architetture-informatiche-dei-servizi-in-cloud-il-territorio-simile-ad-un-server-daticomputing-architectures-of-cloud-services-the-territory-similar-to-a-data-serverarchitetture-inform/

A.I.LoveTourism will introduce, in an original way another R.A.A.S. ( Room As A Service ).

What is a S.a.a.S.?

In today’s digital world we talk about SaaS, an English acronym for Software as a Service. It is a new model of software distribution. Compared to the traditional model, in SaaS a third-party provider hosts applications and makes them available to users via the Internet. Unlike the past where software was purchased and installed locally on the device, in the SaaS method the software is hosted in the cloud and accessed via the Internet by subscription. All typical elements of a software from scripts, to codes and algorithms, as well as the hardware in the form of servers and facilities that host them remain unchanged and are managed and maintained through the software vendor. Key features of a software as a service are:

Multi-tenant architecture

hosted in a remote server

accessible via the Internet

users are not responsible for upgrades and hardware

The concept of Software as a Service began to make its way in 2000 and is associated with an essay by Tim O’Reilly. The success of many companies such as Netflix, Dropbox, Slack, Spotify, Microsoft Office 365 and Google Apps, Kubernetes made the nascent SaaS industry, a distinctive model of the modern digital economy.


Advantages of the SaaS model

The SaaS model changes the way software is used and made accessible by bringing with it major advantages. On the customer’s side, there is no need for large upfront investments in servers or licenses. On the provider’s side, with only one app to maintain, costs are reduced compared to traditional hosting. In addition, apps and add-ons allow flexibility not possible in the on-premise model. It is possible to summarize in these points ii advantages of SaaS:

Disadvantages and possible dangers of the SaaS model

The disadvantages and possible dangers associated with software as a service are mostly attributable to its early stages. The SaaS model is spreading rapidly as a standard, creating competitive pressure that causes problematic issues such as data security and performance to be constantly improving. However, it is always best to stay on your toes and know what the possible problems are with software as a service:

Room As A Service


Turning an intangible object into a “device” for tasting stories of the Territory

We introduce, therefore, the term R.a.a.S.

Room as a Service . Wanting to indicate a service no longer completely related to the exploitation of the hotel room , as a mere physical substrate . The Hospitality service given by the accommodation is exploited as a physical substrate in order to exploit the content ; in this case the story created in the hotel package .

We can distinguish , taking an analogy with the computer world ; a hardware part , given by the hotel room and a software part given by the content ( story ) that will be presented during the stay .

This similarity , I am not philosophical , will lead to a series of innovative business strategies . Sales techniques that will directly refer to the “experience” that , the potential guest will want to have .

The proposed recommender systems themselves will be different ; the data with which we will create the stories , will give a new impetus to recommendations driven by the expectation , the moods of those who will decide to buy our tourist package.

A feature , little explored , of this approach is the ability to be able to diversify . within the same period of stay , the type of experience to be presented . One day could be entirely devoted to trekking ; the next day for the sake of continuity with the theme of the content presented , one could visit the historic center of an art city .

When we think of a content or story to be designed ; the data will be the building blocks that can be modulated according to the specificity of the package .

The real bet is to create stories connected to the area and “glue” our guests to the pleasure of hearing and touching places and events related to these places


When we talked about the creation of content ( better multimedia content ) we always referred to its expressive power ; with the advent of new devices , what were once just theoretical algorithms to be applied to software , have become the nervous system of a new way of communicating . Tourism storytelling , even more so experiential storytelling cannot fail to consider this aspect .

Multimedia content

Multimedia content are elements that can enrich the user experience through the enjoyment of audio and visual material, which at the same time are divided into images and videos. This reality also expands to the world of web marketing, giving rise to subjects such as content marketing and visual storytelling.

On the other hand, even to write a quality Facebook post I need multimedia content. The same goes for Instagram stories. Using images and video, but also audio content, in a digital strategy-whether blogging or social media marketing-allows you to engage your audience with as many senses as possible.

About Media Player

What video game consoles began at the turn of the century ( PS2 and PsP ) , was completed by media players , portable devices for the enjoyment of digital content, especially multimedia. The immediate , easy and complete access to an important piece of the digital life of individuals , music , photos , videos and games was realized when the Ipod rose to a commercial and cultural phenomena of worldwide dimensions . With this , a vast chunk of media inrtention sees all impediments due to staleness collapse.

To Apple , credit is due for first creating Itunes ; with which it shared the launch , which took place on January 9, 2001

In fact, the commercial establishment of the Ipod was at least as slow as other attempts to impose music file players on the market, which was then the purpose with which Apple designed and launched it,

This was a decisive step . Apple , with the creation of the Ipod , actually wanted to present a new type of market ; given precisely by Itunes . Its purpose was to sell music ; its core business was based on pitting this product , against the rampant mp3 file sharing . He demonstrated that an object that was seen as a gadget , conveyed a market for content . The real gains were not coming from the sale of the Ipod ( hardware ) ; rather from the media files sold through Itunes .


It seems like only yesterday that we were gaping at Apple’s display cases containing the brand new iPod, a sophisticated and ultra-technological music player. It was October 23, 2001, so a full seventeen years have passed. Time flies, and the same rapid flight has been undergone by the innovations made to the many and varied models of the product.

Nano, photo, shuffle, mini and finally touch. So many versions, always keeping up with the latest technologies. And, of course, with the latest trends. From a somewhat bulky design to one that is increasingly smart and slim, in an effort to combine the ultimate in innovation and practicality. A product designed to be carried anywhere and everywhere, without limitations.

The first model introduced seventeen years ago was equipped with an ultra-thin hard disk manufactured by Toshiba of 5 GB. The circular metal bezel allowed for scrolling through different songs, authors and albums. And, to synchronize the player, it needed a FireWire connection, 35 times faster than USB 1.1. However, only the Macintosh computer could be used.

In the context of this presentation of multimedia content in the manner of the content or stories we want to create with this project : we could go even further .

Why not think of a hotel room in the same way as an Ipod ; that is, to a medium by which to enjoy a content or story?

It is no coincidence that we are referring to something “physical” with a completely computer soul.

A product that loses its corporeity and , at the same time , uses the physicality of a tool to be used . The computerization of products , in this case the creation of “content” makes the ‘Market Offer much more fluid . There is no longer a need for physical warehouses , a gra number of employees in creating packages , the hotel rooms themselves are only a de materialized conduit to take advantage of such content .

Modern Data Science techniques are the new Grammar for handling the fluid alphabet , consisting of Data.

In this light, it is not wrong to think of an analogy with the project that we want , here, to develop .

Making hotel accommodation a tool ; a device in the same way as a cell phone or an Ipod .

A simple proportion might be this :


Steve Jobs and his “content” device … what if a hotel room had the same function as a content “device”?

Experiential content whose efficiency in creation can be guaranteed , only by a disciplined acquisition , processing and communicative efficiency of the Environmental Data of the relevant tourist area


ALBANESE V., Come (e se) coesistono social network ed esperienze di turismo sensoriale, in C. CERRETI, I. DUMONT, M. TABUSI (a cura di), Geografia sociale e democrazia.

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