Hotel Innovations 2022

We have already talked about the importance of using evolved technological tools for all kinds of tourism management strategies , for example in this article, all related to the much broader field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. We continue to bring details on the state of the art in these disciplines applied to Tourism.

Decisions about the economic and straegic choice of marketing at a site depend on a wide variety of criteria unique to each project, so it can be difficult to predict exactly what each new case requires. However, from data collected over 25 years of developing and using the industry’s most highly regarded suite of GIS site selection tools ( ArcGis) , it has become clear that decision makers value the ability to access the full spectrum of their data. This means they want to go down to hyper-local data at the block group/postcode level, but also zoom in to regional data by city, county, state or province.

Known as “granularity” in data science, the ability to measure different levels of detail is of great importance in economic development. Any tourism company considering an investment wants to understand how a region meets its criteria at both the local and city, county, region, and state or province levels.

Hyper-local data

Hyperlocal data allow you to search for demographic, employment or consumer spending data down to individual block groups or zip codes. Granular data allow you to map all retail stores on a block or use wage data to determine salary ranges within 20 minutes of a specific address. You can indulge, for example, with robust ZoomProspector datasets, integrating reports, heat maps and graphs with a quick look at Google Streetview to assess truck access at the delivery door. Or view the 360-degree fly-over to see at a glance which businesses, organizations, landmarks and infrastructure are nearby. Want to compare specific properties side by side?

Hyper-Regional Data

Hyperregional data are also important. Being the GIS site selection software of choice for more than 30 state-level economic development organizations in the United States (and a national-level data provider).

Where do the incentive zones fall in the state? What is the proximity to airports? Metropolitan areas? Deep-water ports? Our talent pool report helps map the degrees conferred and the top universities and programs within a 200-mile radius. You can see how an industry sector or supply chain fits into an entire region or state. Our Compare Communities feature allows you to compare data from one city, town, or county with data from other cities across the nation.

All economic development organizations seeking to engage, inform and attract investors want to make sure they have interactive, robust and up-to-date data on their websites that range from hyperlocal to hyper-regional. There is a reason why more than 72 percent of Americans live in an area served by software using databases with extensions and fields that involve geolocation: it is simply the most innovative and effective tool on the market for location analysis and economic development.

But, does studying spatial data in detail through a GIS work?

How does Google Maps make money?

Maps is not yet fully monetized. Google provides a base for many companies to build their applications, but this is a small fraction of the potential. The same is true for GIS companies that use Gmaps as a base and also for applications that use geofencing

Taking accurate and now hyperlocal local data is what Google is aiming for now.
With stores and restaurant or hotel information captured in depth with programs such as street view inside, local guides, it can offer users a better experience apparent by having options for booking a table, occupancy n booking a hotel, flight check’ n ‘ticketing.

You can see now itself on the maps, if you open the details for a popular hotel, the details page will include a single line cleartrip adv to book hotel and flight. Clsartrip pays more because it is a better lead than a random keyword search.

In some cases, availability can be checked within the details page. As Google integrates information such as dates, when they are popular, even café hours (check the Ace Cafe in London for a typical example) reliability improves and locks in more users. We benefit from Google’s information through targeted adv.

With navigation becoming embedded even in countries like India and with Google’s ability to understand more accents within English itself, its recommendation engine will improve along with the addition of more hyperlocal data on maps.

At noon, as you drive, Now on Car will make restaurant suggestions based on your preferences n current location and link to a table reservation service that pays google.

Layering google data on maps and it suddenly becomes much more meaningful.

Obviously, with the advent of WEB3.0 and the development of Token ( read here: ) , whether the Metaverse has a development or not, only the imagination and entrepreneurial predisposition of hoteliers will be the boundaries within which to act .

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