Disclaimer : Before you start reading the article please watch, at least partially, the video

The video presented above was generated from a computer; no, from a supercomputer, but, from a personal computer that, however wagoned, any of us might have at home. The difference was made by the software used in this hardware configuration.

This sequence of images is a demo of a future video game in development by a private individual, who is creating a first-person shooter video game with a special visual: a bodycam; that is, what we would see in the first-person as if we were real soldiers.

This is only the first surprise. The real news is the use of software that will slowly become more and more prevalent not only in next gen video games, main software created for product advertising, or, for personal and professional training uses.

This innovative software is a graphics engine and is called . Unreal Engine 5.

What are Graphical Engines

Graphics engines are software used in various applications and programs to render graphics on a computer screen.

Many people will believe that it is a mechanical machine, but in fact it is not, but at the execution of a given program to perform common tasks in various applications, these engines can be found as database engines, text transcribers or writing and graphics engines

In general, a graphics engine is believed to be a core of various programs designed to create and develop new video games but, also, training programs. Each of these developers can use engines to create games for consoles, mobile devices, or computers. A graphics engine must give its programmer a function that is basic and generally needs to be rendered for 2D and 3D graphics, that is, it can perform a union of objects with responses, sound and music, which have animations.

Within the game, the graphics engine is the component that serves as the skeleton and will allow any programmer or designer to focus on each element that is part of the story. A graphics engine requires a large investment of money, some are created with open code, but the best are those that must be paid in monthly installments for their use, and this is part of the business of developers and Games companies.

…What about using it for gamification in Tourism?

Gamification is one of the world’s emerging trends, with important applications in both marketing and innovation.

If we want to put man at the center of the economy and society I think the judgment in this case is unequivocal, we are talking about something intrinsic to human nature. One thing is undeniable, that man was born to play. Play is a voluntary action to derive pleasure from it. We play to learn. Through play we learn how to handle complex situations, and again through play we learn how to handle risk, feedback and success. Gamification, through play, seeks to engage people to experience more involvement and enjoyment in daily activities.

“Play helps to get and see better solutions, to feel better, to find new uses and new ways of standing in front of the usual actions.”.

Albert Einstein.

Gamification : the Creative Democracy

Before the industrial revolution we thought that creativity was linked to people who were intelligent and somewhat privileged by a natural gift and also tended to be a bit crazy. Their creativity was measured not only by what they produced but also by the amount of things they produced. Just think of Leonardo or Mozart. With the industrial revolution the focus on creativity often shifted from the object to the process and we began to consider its economic value (Steve Jobs, etc.). 

In today’s economy and business, creativity is increasingly social, widespread and democratic.

Let’s first understand what Gamification is NOT:

  • Games, such as Angry Birds, Temple Run, Farmville…, are not gamification. They are developed in a different reality from the one in which we live;
  • Activities such as “treasure hunt” and “murder mystery dinner” are activities that involve play but have a purpose that is unrelated to our daily activities;
  • Flight simulators, driving simulators, etc., are not examples of gamification in that the game element is non-existent or almost non-existent.
  • The use of games in schools (War of warcraft or SimCity) are not examples of gamification but are Game Based Learning.

The most widely used and popular definition of gamification is:

We call gamification the use of game elements and patterns in unusual contexts in order to improve the behavior and engagement of a target audience  

Deterding et al. 2011


Gamification enables action on three factors:

  1. Support feedback processes in the company by reinforcing learning;
  2. Create group and engagement, both internally and externally;
  3. Spreading the fun that makes people more willing to go beyond prejudices and limitations, empowering them to do new activities and experiences.

The use of gamification even in micro and small hotel businesses, although adapted by acting on the duration and scope of interventions, can be useful when desired:

  • Stimulate lateral thinking and co-creation, the innovative potential of ideas and people;
  • Highlighting situations of crisis in existing models, strategies or processes;
  • Optimize, improve or defend existing models, strategies and processes;
  • Gather information to launch a new technology or product;
  • Preparing the company for change;
  • Understanding and dealing with a problem;
  • Involving people.

Going beyond the undeniable benefit of creating immediate engagement of prospective guests, bringing gaming into tourism businesses helps to create a relaxed and open sharing space, an “alternative world” (Dave Gray – Gamestorming) in which lateral actions, reactions and responses are activated, learning from colleagues, improving by listening and suggesting, innovating together and having fun.

Conclusions of A.I.LoveTourism

In light of the above, let's imagine in 5 years , maybe with an Unreal 10 graphics engine, where we could get to with realism and bringing our guests almost touching an experience they haven't bought yet; of course, I'm purposely neglecting all the development of 3d visor and Augmented or Virtual Reality technologies.
Couple, with all the talk, being able to use as discount or service upgrade coupons of TOKEN ( which we have talked about here ) to which you are entitled only after a path of gamification and completion of certain actions. With this idea alone you could subvert every marketing action of selling tour packages, but, the ideas could be endless as will be the development of software increasingly connected to images and immersiveness.

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