Digital villain

The technology magazine VICE revealed that one guy, with an anonymous identity, trained an artificial intelligence using millions of posts on 4chan, and then released the resulting monstrosity onto the Web, letting it post directly to the digital wall.

Nor were these old 4chan posts. More news on the affair comes from Yannic Kilcher, an artificial intelligence researcher and YouTuber, used more than three million 4chan threads from the site’s infamous piece of code called “/pol/,” one of the most horrific portions of the already notorious site. Kilcher was not surprised by the results and said that building a model based on the worst of the worst of the Internet was, in a strange way, enlightening.

“The template was good in a terrible sense,” Kilcher said in a video uploaded last week. “It perfectly encapsulated the mix of offensiveness, nihilism, trolling and deep distrust of any kind of information that permeates most posts on /pol.”

How does it work and what is 4chan?

It is a site where, guaranteeing anonymity, anyone can discuss an image or video related to manga and Entai

Launched in 2003, 4chan is an established imageboard website with 20 million monthly visitors and 900,000 new posts per day. But its anonymity and over-18 age limit mean that it is not safe for teenagers to use 4chan.

Those who use 4chan do not need to register. All images and discussions can be shared anonymously. When a user lands on the page, they can choose any of the message boards. A message will then be displayed stating that the content is for “mature” users only, disclaiming any harm on the message boards and asking users to read the rules. While the site rules state that 4chan is for 18+ only, the use of “mature” could be misunderstood by some. For example, a teenager landing on the site may consider themselves mature enough to view the content regardless of whether they are underage.

4chan is also a source of many Internet memes, political movements, and hacktivism. As a result, it has been the focus of much controversy in the media.

So, a site that deals with divisive images of Japanese comic books, facilitating the most racy comments, where minors with 18+ times can access; what could go wrong?

That’s right … that, those, these and this.

The worst in the world

Although it was eventually discovered that it was a bot post from the island nation of Seychelles-known, not surprisingly, for its climate change mitigation efforts-the posts had previously received much attention and interaction.

4chan, of course, is a kind of armpit of the Internet: anything goes, as long as it is technically legal. It is so bad that Kilcher gave a content warning before explaining why his AI is actually “more truthful” than other neural networks.

“The model is quite vile, I must warn you,” Klicher said in his 20-minute explanation. “It’s as if you go directly to the website and interact with the users.”

Now, reading the above what could it have to do with tourism issues?

Here, another concept comes into play, indeed a brand new professional figure: the Mystery Guest

mistery guest

Who is the Mystery Guest

The Mystery Guest is a figure used to assess the satisfaction of a hypothetical customer, in the hospitality industry.

It is used to analyze and evaluate the services offered by a hotel from the guest’s point of view.

Thus, it is a professional, trained and experienced connoisseur of the criteria to which a given facility must correspond, who anonymously books and performs a stay at a hotel.

The Mystery Guest must pretend to be a customer through and through, and evaluate the services, reception procedures, and behavior of employees, exactly as if he or she were a guest at the establishment.
The Mystery Guest’s work can take place in person, at hotels, restaurants and spas, but also by telephone.
This figure browses hotel sites and attempts a reservation so that everything runs smoothly.
In addition, he or she is sometimes equipped with hidden cameras so that those who commissioned the work can then see the actual situation they are dealing with.

Today, there are paid courses that make you a Mystery Guest; back then, they would phone a random client and offer him or her a steep discount on the vacation to assess its quality. Of course, since it was a lottery between people doing other things in life, you could well understand the quality of their evaluations.

An artificial Mystery Guest?

Chewing on no small amount of Artificial Intelligence topics, I immediately envisioned the creation of a virtual Mystery Guest, using 4chan’s methodology, through and data from the comments of customers of a hotel or hotel chain.

Imagine the most ruthless of reviewers who, in the end, is an average projected even into the Future of what might happen to a hotel.

Yes, because with such a system and through Machine Learning we could also guess the negative comments of the Future and do a kind of reverse path on the critical issues of a facility. Think, for example, of preventive maintenance of certain rooms or common areas being predicted by an algorithm of complaints about precisely those points.

The Future is also this, a virtual villain who can do real Good.

Video che descrive Intelligenza Artificiale creata con 4chan

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