Archivi Mensili: November, 2022

A dog that brings back the bone and Hotel Revenue: Bellman’s Equation

What do a dog, a bone and the price of a hotel room have in common? Bellman's Equation and Learning by Reinforcement.

Rare steak? No, Cyan for me, thank you. 3-D meat

3D printed meat, but Technologies that will also change the way people travel and where territoriality will be unimportant.

Tourism and Marketing : Hyper-local and Hyper-regional

When we have to make strategic choices, spatial data in Tourism can be of great help. Accurate use of G.I.s.

Your hotel room similar to a smartphone? R.A.A.S. vs S.A.A.S.

...What if your hotel room was more like a smartphone ? R.A.A.S. vs S.A.A.S.

Computing Architectures of Cloud Services … the Territory similar to a Data Server?

Can there be an analogy between the various types of data servers and how to consider and sell a Tourist Territory?