Archivi Mensili: September, 2022

Too many words, i.e., Data for a sentence? Use Shannon’s Entropy

Too much data means too much information: NO . Shannon already knew this.

How a Food Stylist Designs Klingon Food.

Janice Poon, a food stylist, designs food for Science Fiction series and movies . Interesting interview on how her creation process takes place.

PATAGONIA brand: let the environment be our shareholder … A possible model for Tourism?

Patagonia, a well-known trekking clothing brand, launches a new business model with a new shareholder: the Environment

Vacation as History/Content and Console War 2022

... what if we turned our packages into Stories/Content? How the world of Tourism is more like a Video Game industry in 2022

Index of “Touristiness” … exists. A scientific and complex approach.

How can you tell, scientifically, whether an area is touristic or not? Tourist Index. A good multivariate analysis equation...

Can a Journey change your life ? The Stoller case.

Without meaning to, a trip could change our lives-but, is it always so? The Stoller Case

Artificial Intelligence that doesn’t kill you–worse, it sells you.

Can, an Artificial Intelligence destroy us ... could do worse: sell us out and make us productive .