The unveiling of Apple’s E.R. ( Enhanced Reality) visor is something that, when compared to existing technologies, has an impact in terms of image and endless possibilities for use.

Let’s start by saying one thing: why E.R.? No, for example, Augmented Reality (Augmented Reality) or Virtual Reality (Virtual Reality) … because, this visor is a hybrid of the two.

Mind you, hybrid in the sense that it can perform Augmented Reality tasks ; Virtual Reality tasks, and’ precisely, hybrid. The latter is a feature all its own, therefore, it is as if it has already created a dedicated and original Marketplace

Let’s go step by step

Its technology is concentrated of state of the art and miniaturization: it has two classic liquid crystal lenses for V.R. use and a third display with OLED technology with absurd definition. This third display, perhaps, is one of the biggest technological leaps made by the Cupertino Company.

Just to speak straightforwardly this OLED display, which in the end is one in each eye, simulates human vision. Pretend it is a mask, made to guise a curved display with a definition of 23 million pixels per single lens, far above 4K. Imagine how much firepower to handle as a definition for displays that are just a few inches from our own eyes. We are talking about technologies that are expected to come out in 2028.

To this must be added another incredible factor. The hardware is completely mounted on the visor itself. We are talking about an M2 processor ( currently mounted on Apple laptops) and a coprocessor called R1 that will likely help the central CPU to process images and that controls the 12 total cameras the 6 total sensors and the 6 total microphones … all mounted on the viewer itself. There are, then, two infrared cameras that aim at the eyes to figure out and simulate in which direction they are going to aim in space.

The only connection to the outside world is a cable, connected to a battery pack that gives it a battery life of about 2 hours. External battery, perhaps, also to keep the viewer itself light and wearable.

From all this, you can clearly see what firepower we are talking about. All topped off with a simple design that almost seems to invite you to wear it; Achilles’ heel for any visor.

New Portable Pc?

Apple itself touted the event as the birth of a new kind of notebook. The visor itself, as you may have guessed, is already broadly compatible with Apple apps on the Marketplace and with streaming media sites such as Disney Plus . The latter is not insignificant as an element.

Obviously, if we wear this viewer, we will have the feeling of watching a movie as if we were truly at the cinema. So, this viewer will make us enjoy each medium in a completely different way. Its function will be, literally, to disrupt the PC world.

Technology leap … but only for two hours

A device that has upset the standards in every compartment, then, except one: its Autonomy. Two hours. Too much or too little?

Well, if you have to watch any movie two hours is the minimum; if you have to use the Pc to write an e-mail or surf the Internet it can fit. But, in the end, you can’t fit.

We are talking about a product that will be commercialized in 2024-25 and with a cost of $3500. A price, I am certainly not saying this, is onerous and for the few. We know very well, however, that in an Economy of Scale Apple will be able to lower this price that will be paid by a few, perhaps, even to pay for the development of much cheaper products. But, let us not fossilize on cost. It will eventually be bought, anyway, like all Apple products.

A car on horse roads … even in Tourism?

Such an agglomeration of technology, to us humans, might seem like a kind of technology demo. Yes, because there are no applications powerful enough or that can take advantage of such a medium.

For example, for Tourism we have all thought of its use for excursions or virtual trips, but, its use as an augmented reality viewer makes it something different. In this case, we should imagine a “travel assistant” ; a kind of guide that in real-time gives you elements and stories of the area you are visiting live and in real-time.

From this we might understand that it will no longer serve only points of arrival and departure, but, all points in between geo-referenced and contextualized; meaning that the stories will be told by the historical or naturalistic links of the points themselves. The denser these points are, the denser the experience will be and the more fulfilling.