Digital Magic in Tourism
For YOU, who work in Tourism, there is good news! By turning a tour package into a Story/Trip you can increase your earnings. The technology of ENVIRONMENTAL DATA MINING , enables this as well.
cosa guadagni ...
- The reconstructed events or Stories have no Time or Season.
- In many cases you get concept of pure seasonality ( come back in a month and you will see different things)
- Passion for unique Stories , create niches of a No Leisure Tourism
- Sell rooms year-round and lower fixed costs
- Room prices per day not related to High and Low Season concept
cosa guadagni ...
- A Story/Trip keeps guests in your facility 7-14 days, 3 times longer than the guest's own DIY
- if you propose a Story/Trip that exists only in your Territory , your product will be irreplaceable
- Creating a Story/Trip is similar to an app for your smartphone and your room is the smartphone itself
- Mitigation Overtourism , being able to better organize room sales and cashflow
- Increased repeaters: same place Different Story/Trip
cosa guadagni ...
- Destination and brand new product ( especially for Incoming)
- The flexibility of Spatial DATA and Artificial Intelligence techniques can create ever new or tailored tourism products
- Making areas that are not yet touristy
- Create new economies by interacting with craft districts in your place
- A Tourism that, not only is eco-sustainable but, also, promotes places on the margins of environmental protection because they are not included in Tourist Economy